Bookish Goals and Resolutions for 2020

I wasn’t planning on making any sort of “resolutions” post.

I definitely had some changes in mind for the new year, but I figured it didn’t really warrant an actual published post. But, I realized there’s no harm in speaking things into the universe, and writing my ideas down here may help me to remember them and make an effort. And perhaps you will find some inspiration in them as well!

Some of these resolutions are reading related, others are more blog related, but all of them are bookish in some way, shape, or form.

Read 55 books

I know it’s a bit polarizing, but I actually like having a Goodreads TBR. It feels like more of an encouragement than a chore and usually helps to steer me back on track when I get in a slump.

Every year, I try to increase my Goodreads goal by 5 books. As I read 50 last year, I’m hoping I’ll be able to increase that to 55 this year. In some ways, I think that might be easier than last year, as I’ll be graduating high school. But, depending on just how crazy my first semester of college is, 55 might be a serious struggle.

Read more backlist titles

A recent count of my personal library made me realize that I have around 70 unread books on my shelf — that’s almost half of all the books that I own. I don’t mind having a few titles on my physical TBR, but for me, this is a bit out of control.

It’s honestly stressing me out and making me not want to buy any new books, so I will be making a conscious effort to get that number down. Right now, my realistic goal is to probably cut that in half by the end of the year. For all intents and purposes, let’s say I’ll try to get that number down to 40 books.

Review every book that I read

I actually got this idea after reading Sakina’s 2020 bookish goals. This is something that she managed to do, and I’d really love to take on that challenge!

I’m always trying to be a more active member of Goodreads, make more Friends, have my reviews on there get a little bit more attention, etc! Reviewing every book I read on there (and, of course, cross-posting some of them on my actual blog) should help with this.

That being said… ahem, add me on Goodreads.

Read more diversely

I really broadened my reading horizons in 2017 and 2018, but I’m pretty ashamed to say that I did not do very well in 2019. I read very few books by and/or centering around POC or LGBTQ authors and characters.

I have quite a few diverse books on my backlist, as well as many that are 2020 ARCs, so I definitely have the books to do this, I just have to pay more attention to what I’m picking up.

Read outside of my favorite genre

Yes, I’m a total YA contemporary junkie, but I am still a fantasy lover! Lots of the books on my shelf are sci-fi or fantasy, and I’ve really been neglecting them lately. Hopefully, in 2020 that can change.

Plus, I really want to get into the adult romance genre, or at least try my hand at New Adult since I am (*gasp*) moving into that age range. Lots of the blogs and booktube channels that I follow are centered around those books, and they’ve got my interest piqued.

Weekly blog posts

I absolutely love blogging, but it unfortunately can’t be a number 1 priority in my life right now. Between high school, college applications, reading, writing, extra-curriculars, an just time to breathe, I’m pretty busy at the moment.

Still, I’ve found that when I make my goal one blog post a week, it’s more achievable, and I’m more likely to want to do it. Somewhere down the line if I can post more frequently than that, great, but I think that once a week is a manageable goal for me that can still make posting fun.

Increase my follower count

You have all been so incredibly supportive of this blog, even though I don’t always find the time to post regularly. I’m already super happy with my follower count at the moment (just over 400), but if by the end of 2020 I could increase that to 600 of your smiling faces, then I would be really happy with my progress.

Numbers definitely aren’t the most important part of this blog, but in the interest of full disclosure, I figured I’d be transparent about them. The fact that even one of you out there finds my voice even slightly interesting, warms my reader heart.

Find a blog series that works for me

In the past, I’ve tried out a couple blog series ideas on here, and none of them have really stuck with me. Even if it’s just something I can write every month, I’d love to have some sort of continuous series on this blog, whether it has to do with personal reading challenges, fun discussions, TBRs, etc. Bottom line is: it’s time to brainstorm!

Do you guys have any specific reading/blogging related goals that you’d love to implement in 2020? Remember, it doesn’t matter how big or small they are, as long as they matter to you! Tell me in the comments! 🙂

Stay bookish,


Find me elsewhere: Instagram | Twitter | Goodreads

7 thoughts on “Bookish Goals and Resolutions for 2020

  1. i too have made 2020 goals to review every book i read (even if it’s only a few sentences) and to write weekly blog posts but… well, suffice to say that i’m failing miserably…


  2. good luck on your goals! I know you will do fantastic. I recently went through every single book I own (400) and out of those, I have 153 I still have to read. My goal is to not spend any money on books this year unless they’re super cheap ebooks for my kindle. My bookshelves have gotten out of hand in terms of books that I have but have no yet read. ):

    Amber @ Escape Life in the Pages

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