Contemporary-A-Thon Round 5 TBR | All the Romances

Contemporary books are very much my jam.

Or jelly, if you prefer. That’s why I was so sad when I couldn’t participate in the Contemporary-A-Thon earlier this year because that week was just too manic for me. But this time? Oh, this time, I am not missing out.

This round runs from Monday, September 23rd to Sunday, September 29th. I’ll be away from home for the first couple days of it, but I’m hoping it won’t slow me down too much. If you want more information on it, check out Chelsea’s video! She explains it super well.

Here are the prompts and what I’m hoping to read for each of them.

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Most Anticipated Releases for the Rest of 2019

As the end of the year approaches, so do the end of year releases!

I feel like I was doing a decent job keeping up with new releases at the beginning of the year but now… I have certainly been overrun.

Nevertheless, time marches on and so must I! I figured I’d compile the books I’m hyped for in the final months of the year, not only for your entertainment, but also for myself to know just how much crying my wallet will be doing. (Hint: it’s a lot).

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Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag | Better Late Than Never

It’s been a minute since I did a tag on here.

So I’m here today to do the Mid-Year Book Freakout Tag. I love this tag, because it’s a great way to reflect on my reading year so far and look back on all the wonderful (or not so wonderful) books that’ve gone by.

The original creators of this tag are Ely and Chami. Check out their channels!

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June 2019 Wrap-Up | Summer Vacay, Two Readathons, and More

My first full month of summer is over.

Which is incredibly unfortunate. But I’m trying not to think about it. Summer’s been so relaxing so far, and some of that definitely comes from the fact that I read so many great books. Let’s get into it!

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Readathon Mini Reviews: Her Royal Highness, Heretics Anonymous, Love Songs & Other Lies

In case you didn’t know, I’ve participated in some readathons over the past few weeks.

The first wasn’t too fancy, just some challenges Mia and I created for ourselves. The second readathon I joined in on was Summerathon, and I ended up reading four books in the past weeks!

After reading, these were some of the books that I wanted to review and I thought to make it easier for everyone, I’d put all of my thoughts into one post in (slightly) more concise form.

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A Rare June TBR

I’m not a huge TBR person.

It’s the mood reader in me. When I make a TBR, I’m probably less likely to read any of the books on there, you know, in the spirit of rebelling against the system.

However, this month will be an exception for two reasons:

  1. I’m doing a little readathon with Mia @ Pen and Parchment with specific prompts from Monday, June 3, to Sunday, June 9, so that will help keep me on a TBR!
  2. Since it’s Pride month, I want to work on reading some of the LGBTQ+ books on my shelf.

So without further ado, let’s get right into it! I’ll start with Mia and I’s readathon TBR.

Continue reading “A Rare June TBR”

April 2019 | Wrap-Up

What a month, folks.

It feels like it’s been forever since I’ve been on here, but I have actually been semi-active with my posting this month, all things considered (even if most of that was scheduled posting and my head was buried in an art history textbook while it was happening).

Gotta say though, while April was busy and stressful, and I barely got any reading done, I still enjoyed it! And, without further ado, here is the breakdown of it.

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Why Branching Out in Reading is Important ft. The Cruel Prince | Book Discussion

As readers, and as humans, we can become creatures of habit.

I myself am extremely guilty of this. A few months ago, I started to admire how lately, I seem to know exactly which books I’ll like, and I pick those up so that I can have a blissful reading experience. I’m not always right, but I often am, leading to a lot of high ratings on my Goodreads shelf.

Don’t get me wrong, this is a great place to be! Being able to recognize what kind of story will make you feel good is great. But, I would argue, so is picking up something that you usually wouldn’t, that you’re maybe not positive will become a favorite.

Continue reading “Why Branching Out in Reading is Important ft. The Cruel Prince | Book Discussion”

You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn: Charming, Musical, and Soulful | ARC Review

Title: You’d Be Mine

Author: Erin Hahn

Genre: YA Contemporary

Publisher: Wednesday Books

Published: April 2, 2019

Format: ARC

Annie Mathers is America’s sweetheart and heir to a country music legacy full of all the things her Gran warned her about. Superstar Clay Coolidge is most definitely going to end up one of those things. 

But unfortunately for Clay, if he can’t convince Annie to join his summer tour, his music label is going to drop him. That’s what happens when your bad boy image turns into bad boy reality. Annie has been avoiding the spotlight after her parents’ tragic death, except on her skyrocketing YouTube channel. Clay’s label wants to land Annie, and Clay has to make it happen. 

Swayed by Clay’s undeniable charm and good looks, Annie and her band agree to join the tour. From the start fans want them to be more than just tour mates, and Annie and Clay can’t help but wonder if the fans are right. But if there’s one part of fame Annie wants nothing to do with, it’s a high-profile relationship. She had a front row seat to her parents’ volatile marriage and isn’t interested in repeating history. If only she could convince her heart that Clay, with his painful past and head over heels inducing tenor, isn’t worth the risk.

Continue reading “You’d Be Mine by Erin Hahn: Charming, Musical, and Soulful | ARC Review”

A Case for Changing Ratings Long After Reading | Book Discussion

Accurately rating books can be tricky.

Recently, I published a post listing some books I gave five stars to that, in hindsight, weren’t five star reads. I then proceeded to decrease their star ratings on my Goodreads to what I now feel better represents my thoughts on the books.

As I went to publish that post, I wondered if it was something I should even be writing. Whether or not it was fair to go back and change a rating on a book that I read a year, or more, ago.

Obviously, I decided to upload my ramblings anyway. Still, the question stayed with me. Is it fair to change the rating of a book a while after you read it?

Continue reading “A Case for Changing Ratings Long After Reading | Book Discussion”