Booktubeathon Mini Reviews | Feat. Want, Lara Jean, and One of Us is Lying

Okay, I’m sure you guys are tired of me talking about booktubeathon by now.

I promise, this is the last time I’ll mention it until next summer! I just read so many good books that week, and there’s no way I can write and post full length reviews for all of them. The perfect solution?? MINI REVIEWS.

It Started with Goodbye by Christina June | 4 stars

A modern play on the Cinderella story, this was a super cute, quick read! Tate is stuck under house arrest for the summer for a crime she didn’t commit. She ends up starting an underground design business and finds allies in unexpected places! Plus exchanging emails with an adorable biracial client.

Even though it is based on that Cindy story, June puts a whole different spin on it that I totally appreciate. I don’t want to spoil all the sweet stuff, but she really highlights familial dynamics and relationships. There wasn’t a whole lot of depth to this story, but I wasn’t expecting there to be, so I wasn’t disappointed. If you’re looking for a fluffy, light, amusing contemporary, check this one out!

Always and Forever, Lara Jean by Jenny Han | 4.5 stars

I won’t lie. I was deeply concerned going into this one – the number of negative reviews was shocking! I wasn’t expecting all sparkling reviews, since I did think this was fine as a duology, but the mixed reactions really concerned me.

However, I really loved this one! Jenny Han is just spectacular at what she does. I swear, she can pull a story out of thin air. Getting to return to these characters was such a treat. Watching Peter and Lara Jean together made my heart happy. As always, Han addresses family very well in this book, and not just LJ’s. The college narrative was the main part of this story and, while LJ could be frustrating at times, I overall enjoyed it. It felt very real, the back and forth that Lara Jean goes through. As a whole, I still think this could’ve remained a duology, but I still loved Always and Forever (and Peter K.)

Nimona by Noelle Stevenson | 5 stars

Graphic novels aren’t my usual, but dang, I’m so glad I picked this one up! This got a lot of hype when it first dropped, and I can definitely see why.

This graphic novel was funny, interesting, and really hooked me on the characters. I’m really glad it’s a stand alone, but the ending still left me wanting more! I loved the artwork as well. It took a bit to get used to, but once I did, I was having a ball. Nimona is also a villain story, so if that’s your thing, you’ve got to read this.

Want by Cindy Pon | 4.5 stars

Want was one of my favorites of this readathon. Featuring an all-POC cast that includes a f/f relationship, this was a total dream. Set in futuristic Taipei, Want centers around Jason Zhou and his friends as they try to infiltrate Jin Corp, the company that sells suits to the rich to protect them from the harsh environment and leaves the poor to rot.

The writing in this book was phenomenal. With Pon’s imagery, I swear I was actually in Taipei, surrounded by smog and smelling all the foods, moving with the bustling crowds. I fell in love with all of the characters in the story, especially Victor and Jason. The book also greatly address environmentalism, and how we all have a responsibility in taking care of the planet. Want is one of my new favorites from the sci-fi genre and I am starving for the sequel.

Meant to Be by Lauren Morrill | 2 stars

So, from a book I loved to one that I didn’t. This was actually the only book in this entire readathon that I actually disliked. I’d been wanting to read a Lauren Morrill book for a while and I downloaded this on Kindle back when it was only a dollar. It follows Julia, who, on a school trip to London, attends a party and starts receiving romantic texts from an unkown number. With the help of a classmate she despises, she sets out to find this stranger and break a few ruled while she’s at it.

I wanted to enjoy it, but after the first few chapters, the main character began getting on my nerves. I mean, I understand that she’s supposed to be a “goody-goody”, but really, no one brings guidebooks to London and reads them instead of sightseeing. Plus, the romance had absolutely no effect on me. To me, the characters had no chemistry and make absolutely no sense as a couple. Also, this is… a love square? Honestly, don’t ask. I was so glad when it was over (I actually just read the dialogue of the last few chapters because the narrator’s voice was hurting my head). That’s a nope from me.


The Upside of Unrequited by Becky Albertalli | 5 stars

On a much happier note, Albertalli has done it again! Do you really need to hear another glowing review of this one? I’ll keep it brief.

I loved it. This book had my chest going wild the entire time. Albertalli has a gift for writing the way that teens think. I could really get into the head of Molly, imagine myself feeling what she was feeling, reacting the way that she was reacting. Also, Reid is like the cutest ever and you can quote me on that.

One of Us is Lying by Karen M. McManus | 5 stars

This one has to be my favorite of the entire readathon. 

I’m sure I’ve said this before, but I am seriously a sucker for a good murder mystery. This was a great one. McManus writes about five high school students who walk into detention one afternoon. But only four walk out. Who’s the killer?

“Here’s your assignment. Connect the dots. Is everybody in it together, or is somebody pulling strings? Who’s the puppet master and who’s the puppet? I’ll give you a hint to get you started: everyone’s lying.”

I listened to the audiobook of this one and I honestly cannot recommend it enough! There are four speakers, and they all have such unique voices that are perfect for each character they represent. So, audiobook performance? 10/10.

In terms of the actual story… wow. It’s funny because not a whole lot happens in this book. Obviously, a person is murdered, but that’s the first chapter. The majority of the story is watching these four characters unravel, learning all of their secrets. It was magnificent. I couldn’t stop listening. Nate is a new favorite of mine and I loved Bronwyn and Addy (the character development for Addy is excellent, so if you don’t like her in the beginning, trust me, you’ll love her by the end) and even Cooper found a place in my heart!

Murder mysteries can be tricky because the killer can be super obvious or very unrealistic so let me just tell you: this wasn’t. I was so surprised by the ending and the way that everything fell into place.

I honestly don’t have the words to tell you how much I loved this book and how just… readable it is. So go forth and pick it up.

Needless to say, booktubeathon was very successful for me – and not just because I finished all seven books! Almost all of them were fantastic and I will be forever recommending them.

Did you participate in booktubeathon? Read any good books? Have you read any of the books I just reviewed? What did you think of them? If not, have I convinced you? Tell me in the comments! 🙂

Stay bookish,


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7 thoughts on “Booktubeathon Mini Reviews | Feat. Want, Lara Jean, and One of Us is Lying

  1. I read and reviewed Want recently and though I really liked the plot and characters and stuff, I disliked the writing. We’ll have to agree to disagree there.

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